TITAN access
Companies are increasingly realizing the potential and benefits of security systems and access control systems. Users ask for integration of such individual security systems. Only one medium of identification is necessary for access control (to time-specified patterns), to buildings and into networks and personal computers.
Biometric scanning offers additional comfort and the highest security standard for human beings and property. We are user oriented and we often make use of available but so far unknown synergies.
The "enterprise solution" combines Access Control Units (ACU's) primarily into an integrated system. As a consequence, it is immaterial where the ACU is located. It just has to be linked to a security network.
The integration software TITAN control provides a simple, user-friendly programme for the control and administration of seperate business locations and business areas.
Main Features

Interlock Passing Area
An interlock passing area for access control is a separated room, which is equipped with access-card-reader units in front of the secured area. In order to get into the secured area, the interlock passing area has to be passed through with a valid card registration. The interlock software prevents a simultaneous opening of another interlock door when passing through the interlock passing area. Therefore it is impossible for any other person to pass through undetected. Furthermore it prevents access to a secured area, by deliberately keeping one door open manually. This condition is indicated by red lights at all card reader units.

Elevator Access Control
The function of the elevator control is similar to the function of a normal access controlled door. The elevator access control can authorize with one card or biometric reader different levels.
Each access profile can have their own set of levels combined with a week schedule. Of course all other functions like anti-pass-back, four eye admittance control, card and finger print booking are also together available.
■ High rise building
■ Building with secured floors

Person Gates
Highly sensitive security areas have to be secured not only electronically but mechanically as well. For that purpose person gates consisting of intrusion protected or bullet proofed glass are a very commonly used solution.
Modern person gates support separate electronic and metal detectors for exact detection of human beings. TITAN access integrates person gates via software interface and supports all functions provided by the
Best examples are:
■ Open indoor
■ Open outdoor
■ Activate/deactivate the metal detector
■ Open both doors for transport
Anti-Pass Back Barriers

Anti-Pass-Back Barrier
The anti pass back barrier prevents the re-clearance of an access door after a valid registration had been performed before by the same access card. In order to gain re-entry into the secured area, the person has to leave the room by means of an exit clearance at an exit card reader unit. This process enables the issue of an attendance list at any time.

Time Based Anti-Pass-Back Barrier
The function of the time based anti pass back barrier is basically identical to the conventional design of the standard system as described in "Anti-Pass-Back Barrier". The difference lies in the reclearance of a card after a valid entry registration (after a predetermined time lapse). This type of system suppresses the card validity over a predetermined time, or until an exit card reader unit has registered the exit of the card bearer. A hundred per cent accuracy of an attendance list cannot be established by such a system.

Zone Dependent Anti-Pass-Back Barrier
Access to zones is only allowed via correct order. Invalid order will lock the person. Each zone use a logbook for managing the current persons per zone.
Enter in a zone is only allowed if the person is not logged in already.
> Normal (enter in zone only allowed if person not in)
> Counting (system allow only a amount of persons)
> Locking (exit is not allowed if person is incorrect in)
1 – 2 – 3
2 – 3
3 – 1

Locking Anti-Pass-Back Barrier
If a person "B" is going with person "A" into zone 2, person "B" is not registrated in the zone logbook. If person "B" wants to go out the person will be locked, because of the missing registration in zone 2.
The only way out is to go out with another person.
■ Technical rooms with external maintenance staff.

Counting Anti-Pass-Back
The function of the counting anti pass back barrier is similar to the normal anti pass back barrier. The difference is, the counting of the entered persons into the specific area.
The system counts for each access profile (group of persons with the same access authorization) the current logged in persons. If the maximum counter for the access profile is reached, the system prevents additional entering
from persons, until the counter goes again, under the maximum level.
■ Parking mangement in a garage. The count of parking places per organization group is the maximum count of the access profile as described.
■ For high security labours there is sometimes the need of restricting the maximum entered persons, because of the extremely dangerous handled liquids.
Advanced Features

Manual Verification
An interlock passing area for access control is a separated room, which is equipped with access-card-reader units in front of the secured area. In order to get into the secured
area, the interlock passing area has to be passed through with a valid card registration. The interlock software prevents a simultaneous opening of another interlock door when passing through the interlock passing area.
Therefore it is impossible for any other person to pass through undetected. Furthermore it prevents access to a secured area, by deliberately keeping one door open manually. This condition is indicated by red lights at all
card reader units.
■ Areas with an high demand on security and protection against spy attacks.

Automatic Mode
In the automatic mode the system grants the access automatically.
006 Automatic Mode
Current State
007 Automatic Mode
008 Verification Mode
009 Automatic Mode
010 Verification Mode
011 Automatic Mode
012 Automatic Mode
013 Automatic Mode
Automatic access via programmed profile

Verification Mode
In the verification mode the system semi-automatic grants the access. In the first step the system checks automatically the authorization, and is all valid, the system pops up a command window to the operator, for final
manual approvement. In the pop up window the operator gets all important information of the booking person: like personal data, picture, access authorization and so on. Additionally the system switches on the camera next
to the card reader, to verify the live picture with the stored picture of the person. If it is all valid, the operator opens the door one time with an mouse click. Now the system computes a random number, after how many bookings
the system starts again in verification mode.
006 Automatic Mode
007 Automatic Mode
008 Verification Mode Current State
009 Automatic Mode
010 Verification Mode
011 Automatic Mode
012 Automatic Mode
013 Automatic Mode
1. Access via programmed profile is valid
> Access not allowed
2. Start operator interaction
> Switch camera (17) to operator monitor
> Dial speaking station (11) from station (10)
> Show personal data from database on operator monitor (Face picture, name, last booking,next security inspection...)
3. Manual access via operator
4. System computes new randomize booking counter
1. Risk for attacker incalculable, because of human factor
2. Copy of identification media is not enough
> Future Save Solution
3. Hijacking of Software via changing of biometric templates not possible

Video Interlock Separation
The video interlock separation is a special feature to restrict access to a secured area. The access is only granted if the person is alone. The system uses four cameras and computes all persons in the interlock area.
If there is more than one person, the system does not open the second door, although the authorization is valid.
■ Access to high security areas like: server rooms, special archives, laboratory and so on.

AES Encryption
TITAN control uses the latest public encryption techniques for all data (database as well as data connection). So, for example, the AES-encryption technique is applied with respect to the data connection between intelligent subsystems and the server. Thus it is possible to establish secured systems across different locations

Plate Recognition
The access to parking areas or company property is increasingly taking place via car plate recognition. TITAN access offers full integration of the plate recognition and the access control system. The operation and management of the plates is similar to the access cards. The software supports recognition of up to two cars with one camera simultaneously.
Contact Us
We are just a phone call away. We supply you with any information you need. Give us a call or send us an e-mail. We will answer as soon as possible.
- Gewerbepark 6, 7412 Wolfau, Austria
- (0043) 3356 79 290-0
- office@titan-electronic.com
- www.titan-electronic.com